採用全新Frod Transit長陣客貨車前後坐獨立冷氣車廂空間特大就算坐滿人都唔會覺迫, 車廂後面種有專為新娘而設專用化妝同換衫空間唔洗周圍搵地方換衫, 新娘可以坐係入面凉住冷氣換妝同換衫唔怕個妝溶晒影D相出黎唔靚。

希望找一位數學老師,每週到科大開1-3節課,長期進行, 幫助幾位上國際小學一年級的小朋友下午課後(4-7點左右)及假期學習數學。這邊小孩很多,父母對數學學習非常重視,如果受歡迎可以開到2個班。使用english or 普通話上課. Teach math for several grade-1 students in HKUST campus, 1-3 classes per week
c教學進修 / 補習clearlynot

另外有大量灣仔銅鑼灣單位及套房出租/售, 歡迎查詢 92333926 Mark more apartments and studios for rent and sell in wanchai and causeway bay, please call if interested 92333926 Mark. Thank you.
C物業地產 / 住宅出租Chinese Property Agency

近3A座LIFT, 包差餉及管理費
物業地產 / 車位譚小姐

S&A brand CW-5200 air cooled chiller ‘s cooling capacity up to 1.4KW , ±0.3℃ temperature control precision and temperature control range in 5-35℃.

"Office Space and Event Venue Rental in Central 香港中環辦公室及活動場地租用"

Chronic constipation, headache, back pain, indigestion, bloating discomfort, diarrhoea and arthritis can be attributed to wastes trapped in the inner wall of the colon whereby toxins are absorbed i
H健康及醫療 / 浣腸水療HydroHealth Colon Hydrotherapy Ltd

交通方便 距離太和港鐵站十分鐘車程 空氣清新環境優美寧靜 鳥語花香 單間套房 分租 適合小家庭 或單身人士 短時間或長期彈性出租 可包傢俱 可提供車位 分租 大約450呎 一房一廳一浴室一廚 花園千多呎可共同使用

1,600平方呎影樓 | 備有先進及專業的攝影器材設備 | 提供化妝枱及洗手間供使用


屯門旺舖招租,中菜餐廳大牌酒牌, 免費轉手, 爐灶電力(三相200A)煤氣冰箱枱櫈一應俱全.

三期L1停車位出租,單边易泊,近18-20座 Phase 3 L1 Car park for lease, near block 18-20

most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.

Classrooms in registered tutorial school for your classes! 在註冊教育中心教授你的課程!
教學進修 / 課室出租尖沙咀(課室出租)

Purebred Maine Coon Kittens For Adoption We have 2 available kittens left 1 male and 1 female
l寵物 / 寵物領養leejohnny202

Give your business a strong presence on search engines with our SEO strategies from Digitment, one of the most experienced SEO and digital marketing agency in Hong Kong.
D商業 / 市場策劃Digitment Limited

-約2500尺, 另加平台約1000尺 -0-4度300呎大凍櫃 -大型抽油煙設備 -可做office+工場 -三箱200A電 -有煤氣設置 -地台升高作去水設備 -包食物製造廠牌照 -免頂手費 -全包

Large Tutorial rooms in North Point and Fortress Hill for rent, prime location $60-$150/hour
C商業 / 生意頂讓Chris Hui

豪景花園A場車位出租, 車位闊落, 泊七人車或客貨車無難度, 完全室內, 打風落雨冇有怕. 車位後面是墻, 不怕被人撞‧出租免佣. 包差餉地租和管理費, 不是本屋苑住戶亦可租.
t物業地產 / 車位tracycyl1022
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